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CULT 51 Rose Quartz Anti-Ageing Facial Massage Tools 天然玫瑰石英雙頭按摩滾輪+刮痧板套裝

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採用天然玫瑰石英製作而成雙頭按摩滾輪 + 刮痧板套裝

• 雙頭滾筒可促進微循環,減少細紋和皺紋的出現,減少浮腫,突顯面部輪廓
• 刺激微循環,可減輕炎症,改善淋巴排毒,同時鎮定發紅和容易長粉刺的皮膚



Rose Quartz Anti-Ageing Facial Massage Tools

The double ended roller encourages micro circulation, reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, de-puff, reduces inflammation, and improves lymphatic drainage, while calming redness and acne prone skin.

The Gua Sha originates as a Chinese beauty ritual that has been around for centuries.
When correctly performed, the Gua Sha increases microcirculation, lifts the contours of your cheeks, tightens, tones and can be specifically used to target wrinkles.
Increasing elasticity, the Gua Sha tool works wonders to tighten skin, increase elasticity, reduce pore size and eradicate toxins.


香港本地 – 順豐速遞

• 購物折實滿港幣HK$500免運費

• HK$500以下訂單將以順豐到付寄出,運費請於取貨時直接付款給順豐,收費以順豐為準
• 可寄工商/住宅地址,以及各順豐站/智能櫃 

Local Delivery (Hong Kong) – SF Express
• FREE delivery for net purchase of HK$500 or above
• For orders below HK$500, delivery costs will be paid by receiver 
• We accept delivery to Commercial / Industrial / Residential Addresses, and SF Express Service Points / Lockers


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