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COULEUR CARAMEL 來自法國,於2002年創立,是The Nature COS Group旗下著名的彩妝品牌之一。以其超幼滑質地﹑完美遮瑕度及持久妝感而聞名。在彩妝產品當中加入高濃度活性護膚成分,成效媲美護膚品。品牌擁有自家實驗室及專業團隊,致力研發最健康﹑最高效的美容配方。所有配方均是獨家保密,在市場上沒有其他相似配方。

榮獲多個有機國際認證,所有配方均採用源自有機農業或生物技術的天然植物成分。成分高達97.9%天然。不含具爭議性的防腐劑﹑內分泌干擾素及其他石油化學合成物。所有產品均使用礦物粉,並採用微粉化技術 (Micronisation),比起採用傳統技術的礦物粉幼細9倍,猶如第二層肌膚,更貼面﹑更持久。






Founded in 2002, COULEUR CARAMEL is the pioneering brand of professional-quality organic makeup. It sets itself apart with its unwavering values and unique, innovative range offering an unrivalled choice of shades and textures.

In each of our formulas, we use natural plant-based ingredients derived from organic farming or biotechnology. Our make-up is certified by Ecocert and Qualité France.

Micronisation consists of grinding powders with pulsed air to obtain very fine particles around the size of 10 microns, much more efficient than conventional powders. We use this technique to give our products fine and silky textures super concentrated in pigments, offering unrivalled quality, an efficient application and excellent hold.

Our powders are created from minerals and are talc free, makings them extremely soft, resistant and perfectly adapted to all skin types. They are rich in organic active ingredients for performance and micronised for excellence. Their textures are 9 times finer than traditional powders, offering a "second skin" effect and impeccable hold.

Today, as the ‘natural’ wave inundates every market, COULEUR CARAMEL must set itself apart as the reference for organic makeup so that users around the world can benefit from its intrinsic qualities and skincare properties. Indeed, COULEUR CARAMEL organic makeup not only enhances but also nourishes and protects the skin, inspiring well-being. This is why COULEUR CARAMEL, the incarnation of next-generation organics, is constantly innovating, exploring new avenues and investing in new territories. This is its destiny, its project and its future.



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