Buds Organics
Buds Organics有何獨特之處?
Buds Organics全線產品獲歐洲ECOCERT有機認證,合乎國際有機標準。
Buds Organics 致力研製最高品質的產品,所以我們樂意邀請ECOCERT去驗證我們的有機品質。
ECOCERT 是全球其中一個最大型、齊全的有機認證組織。我們必須跟隨嚴格的有機生產要求,包括原材料來源、貯存、生產過程、包裝以及運輸。我們必須跟從ECOCERT 的要求,提供充分的產品透明度,確保每批成分和產品都可追索得到。
Buds Organics對嬰兒和地球更理想
Buds Organics採用最優質的有機和天然成分,令嬰兒避免接觸殺蟲劑、除草劑、基因改造生物和其他有潛在危險的化學成分。
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我們承諾永不使用: 類固醇/PEG合成乳化劑/丙二醇/ 石油和矽衍生的礦物油/SLS界面活性劑/ SLES界面活性劑/Paraben化學防腐劑/Phenoxyethanol防腐劑/Formaldehyde甲醛防腐劑/ 合成色素/合成香味/ 動物成分/ 動物測試的成分 |
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Buds Organics is Certified Organic by ECOCERT
Buds Organics is dedicated to the quality of its products and that is why we have chosen to be certified by ECOCERT.
ECOCERT requires that 95% of the ingredient used in any product be of natural origin and have extremely strict restrictions on what is allowed in the remaining 5%. Furthermore, for a product to be certified organic, 95% of the plant ingredients must be of certified organic origin AND a minimum of 10% of the total product must be organic.
Buds Organics is Better for Baby and Earth
Buds Organics uses the finest organic plant ingredients so that your baby is not exposed to pesticides, herbicides and other potentially harmful chemicals unnecessarily. We also hope to minimize the damage being done to the environment. Opting for organic ingredients equates less chemical in our soil, water and air. It means more physical labour, which in turn may mean more jobs. It's a win-win situation we hope.